Where Do We Go From Here?

That is the question that I always ask. Whether it has to do with a destination or situation, I always want to know what is next.

Whether it’s visiting a new place  or learning a lesson from one of life’s many teachings, I am constantly on the search for ways to incorporate new things and experiences into my life. I always thought that growth comes when you are able to take whatever accomplishments or pitfalls have occurred, and allowing them to open a new path to what you should do next. I’ve learned throughout my personal experience that there are things that I love, dislike, and rather move on from. My growth continues to evolve and in recent years, I have learned that I am the commander of my ship and I am the one that can lead it in the direction I want. I’ve learned to let go of things that I cannot control and embrace things that have challenged and taught me. While it is a continuous journey, I do not believe it is futile. I look forward to things that present themselves to me and always find a way to move forward.  Whether that is looking for a new place to go, meeting new people or just freeing myself of my personal restraints, my goal is to move forward. I find this quote very true:

“Sometimes I can feel my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living.”

—Jonathan Saran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

The more I grow, the more I want to do. The more I want to learn. That involves taking risks, accepting failures and disappointments and continuing to try and strive to fulfill as much of my desires as I can. The good old cliche saying that you only have one life to live is definitely true. I believe you can embrace what you  have in front of you while continuing to look towards the future and what it has to offer. It’s all a matter of asking where do you want to go from here?